Ministerial Decision

Transport General Authority: Decision 155/46/1 Approving the Schedule of the Classification of Foreign Trucks Violations


based on the powers granted to him by law,

after perusal of Royal Decree D/188 dated 24 Sha’ban 1446 [23 February 2025],

after perusal of the Law of Carriage by Land on Roads issued by Royal Decree D/188 dated 24 Sha’ban 1446 [23 February 2025],

after perusal of Council of Ministers Decision 614 dated 19 Sha’ban 1446 [18 February 2025],

and after perusal of the System of the Transport General Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 323 dated 14 Ramadan 1434 [22 July 2013] and its amendments,

and in pursuance of public interest,

hereby decides


The Schedule of the Classification of Foreign Trucks Violations is hereby approved in accordance with the form attached to this decision.


This decision must be published in the official gazette, and comes into force on the date of its publication.


The original copy of this decision must be sent to the undersecretary of the authority for land transport to notify those who are required to implement its provisions.

May Allah provide success.

Acting President of the Transport General Authority
Rumaih bin Mohammed Al-Rumaih

Issued on: 8 Ramadan 1446
Corresponding to: 8 March 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5075 issued on 14 March 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Public Prosecution: Decision 110 Regarding Major Crimes Requiring Arrest


The Attorney General,

Based on the powers granted to him under article 112 of the Criminal Procedures Law amended by Royal Decree D/125 dated 14 Ramadan 1441 [7 May 2020], which states: “The Attorney General shall determine—after agreement with the Ministry of Interior and the Presidency of State Security—matters considered a major crime requiring arrest, and this must be published in the official gazette”,

further to our Decision 1 dated 1 Muharram 1442 [20 August 2020],

and after agreement with the Ministry of Interior and the Presidency of State Security,

hereby decides:


A paragraph numbered 26 is added to First of our Decision 1 dated 1 Muharram 1442 [20 August 2020] to have the following text:

All criminal descriptions related to methamphetamine (shabu) are considered major crimes requiring arrest.


This decision must be published in the official gazette.


This decision enters into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

May Allah provide success.

Attorney General
Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mujib

Issued on: 1 Ramadan 1446
Corresponding to: 1 March 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5075 issued on 14 March 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Transport General Authority: Decision 1/293 Approving the Amending of the Regulation Governing the Activity of Car Rental and Rental Brokers

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 20 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 19 February 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5073 issued on 28 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce: Decision 235 Approving the Rules of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner


The Minister of Commerce,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 274 of the Companies Law issued by Royal Decree D/132 dated 1 Dhu Al-Hijja 1443 [30 June 2022],

and after perusal of Ministerial Decision 10708 dated 25 Safar 1439 [14 November 2017],

and in pursuance of public interest,

hereby decides


The Rules of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner are hereby approved in the form attached to this decision.


Ministerial Decision 10708 dated 25 Safar 1439 [14 November 2017] is hereby repealed by the Rules of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner referred to in clause First of this decision.


The Rules of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner attached to this decision must be published in the official gazette, and come into force from 5 Shawwal 1446 corresponding to 3 April 2025.

Minister of Commerce
Dr Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi

Issued on: 13 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 12 February 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5072 issued on 21 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers: Decision 582 Amending the Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities


The Chief Executive Officer of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers,

based on the powers granted to him by law,

after perusal of Administrative Decision 525 dated 15 Muharram 1446, corresponding to 21 July 2024,

approving the Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities,

and perusal of article 8(11) and article 7(17) of the Regulation on the Powers of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers issued by the board of directors of the authority Decision 3/B/23 dated 6 Muharram 1445 [24 July 2023], which includes the power of the chief executive officer of the authority to issue decisions and rules related to the profession and to restrict the provision of valuation services to platforms approved by the authority subject to its direct supervision and control,

and in pursuance of public interest,

hereby decides


As an exception to the effective date of the Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities stipulated in clause Second of Administrative Decision 525 dated 15 Muharram 1446 [21 July 2024], the provisions of article 6, article 13(1), article 14(3), and article 27(2) of the amended rules pursuant to clause Second of this decision hereby enter into force as of the date of completion of the stages of the official launch of the Qaim electronic platform, as determined by the competent department, and it must be published on the official website of the authority.


The Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities are hereby amended as follows:

1․ A new paragraph numbered 8 is added to article 13 with the following text:

The confidentiality provisions contained in the Law on the Oversight of Banks and the Law on the Oversight of Financing Companies must be adhered to, the relevant instructions of the Saudi Central Bank must be compiled with, and the privacy of clients and personal and credit information and data must be protected, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law, the related laws, and the relevant instructions and controls.

The order of the paragraphs is amended accordingly.

2․ The title of chapter 4 is amended to have the following text: “Qaim platform Requirements”, and article 14 is amended as follows:

The Qaim platform requires the following to provide real estate valuation services:

1․ Providing the documents and information necessary to carry out real estate valuation operations upon each valuation request through the Qaim platform.

2․ Obtaining the approval of the owner of the real estate subject to the valuation or whoever has a legal interest in it to carry out the real estate valuation service.

3․ All real estate valuation requests must be submitted and followed up on via the Qaim platform, and no other means must be used. The procedures stipulated in the rules must be followed in regard to it, without prejudice to the cases stipulated in article 30 of the rules.

4․ Responding to the comments received from the accredited valuer on the Qaim platform within a maximum period of five days from the date of submitting the comments, in a manner that enables the accredited valuer to complete his work.

5․ Reviewing the valuation reports within a period not exceeding ten days from the date the accredited valuer submits the report on the Qaim platform, and the report must be prepared after the expiry of the period without any final objection.

3․ Article 17 is amended as follows:

Without prejudice to the longer periods agreed upon by the financing entity and the valuation establishment to meet the professional requirements, the minimum time periods for fulfilling real estate valuation requests by valuation establishments via the Qaim platform must be as follows:

Asset type Asset location Area less than 1,000 m* Area from 1,000 m to less than 5,000 m Area from 5,000 m and above*
Empty land Within major cities One working day and after 24 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the second working day from the day the request is assigned. Two working days and after 48 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the third working day from the day the request is assigned. Three working days and after 72 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fourth working day from the day the request is assigned.
Empty land Outside major cities Two working days and after 48 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the third working day from the day the request is assigned. Three working days and after 72 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fourth working day from the day the request is assigned. Four working days and after 96 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fifth working day from the day the request is assigned.
Apartment/duplex/building/villa and the like* Within major cities One working day and after 24 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the second working day from the day the request is assigned. Two working days and after 48 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the third working day from the day the request is assigned. Three working days and after 72 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fourth working day from the day the request is assigned.
Apartment/duplex/building/villa and the like* Outside major cities Two working days and after 48 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the third working day from the day the request is assigned. Three working days and after 72 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fourth working day from the day the request is assigned. Four working days and after 96 hours of assigning the valuation request to the valuer, so that the request is completed on the fifth working day from the day the request is assigned.

*The area of the real estate is calculated in accordance with the land area plus the building surface area.

4‏. Article 23 is amended as follows:

The valuation report submitted by the accredited valuer may be rejected—via the Qaim platform—in the following cases:

1 ‏. Failure to submit the valuation report within one working day of the expiry of the period specified for depositing it in the Qaim platform.

2․ If the valuation request received from the financing entity includes the preparation of more than two reports for the real estate asset, and the difference in value between the report and the other reports prepared in the same request exceeds 15%.

3․ The accredited valuer does not respond to the comments of the financing entity on the report within one working day from the date of submission via the Qaim platform.

5․ The order of article 27 is amended to be article 28, and its text is amended as follows:

If the accredited valuer is removed in accordance with articles 26 and 27 of the rules, then he does not have the right to submit an application to be reinstated on the list except after one year has passed from the date of his removal. The same conditions and procedures stipulated in chapter 2 of the rules must be followed in the application.

The numbering of the above-mentioned articles is amended accordingly.

6 ‏. Article 27(1) is amended as follows:

Issuance of more than two decisions by the committee for considering violations by the accredited valuer for violations of the provisions of the law during a year, or issuance of a final decision with the punishment of suspension—irrespective of its duration‏—or with a fine exceeding half of its maximum limit during a year.

7‏. A new article numbered 29 is added as follows:

The authority, in coordination with the Saudi Central Bank, shall take the necessary measures it deems appropriate to ensure that the services and works of the financing entities and the valuation establishments included in the list are not affected by any interruption, disruption, or similar emergency circumstances that affect the business continuity of the platform and the regularity of its works, including the power to exempt from some provisions of these rules and their effective dates, provided that the exemption ends with the end of those emergency circumstances.

8․ The articles are reordered in accordance with the provisions of this clause.


This decision must be published in the official gazette, comes into force from the date of its publication, and repeals any decisions that conflict with it.

Chief Executive Officer 
On behalf of Faisal bin Bader Al-Mandeel

Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Mutlaq

Issued on: 12 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 11 February 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5072 issued on 21 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Transport General Authority: Decision 137/46/1 Approving the Detailed Mechanism of the Regulation of Rights and Obligations of Users of Railway Transportation Means


The President of the Transport General Authority,

based on the powers granted to him by law,  after perusal of the Railway Law issued by Royal Decree D/159 dated 22 Sha’ban 1445 [3 March 2024],

after perusal of the System of the Transport General Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 323 dated 14 Ramadan 1434 [22 July 2013] and its amendments,

and after perusal of the Executive Regulation of the Railway Law issued by the Board of Directors of the Transport General Authority Decision 4/2024/1/1 dated 19 Dhu Al-Hijja 1445 [25 June 2024],

hereby decides


The Detailed Mechanism of the Regulation of Rights and Obligations of Users of Rail Transport Means is hereby approved in accordance with the form attached.


This decision must be published in the official gazette, and comes into force on the date of its publication.


This decision repeals all previous provisions and decisions in conflict with it.


The original decision must be sent to the Undersecretary of the Rail Transport Authority to act by virtue of it and notify the concerned entities of the content of the decision.

May Allah provide success.

Acting President of the Transport General Authority
Rumaih bin Mohammed Al-Rumaih

Issued on: 12 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 11 February 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5074 issued on 7 March 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Riyadh Infrastructure Projects Center: Decision 12469 Entry Into Force of the Infrastructure Projects Code in Riyadh Region


The Chief Executive Officer of the Riyadh Infrastructure Projects Center,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

after perusal of Council of Ministers Decision 902 dated 1 Muharram 1445 [19 July 2023] stipulating the approval of the Organizational Arrangements of the Riyadh Infrastructure Projects Center,  after perusal of board of directors of the center Decision 24 dated 7 Rajab 1446, corresponding to 7 January 2025, stipulating the approval of the Infrastructure Projects Code in Riyadh Region,  and based on article 11 of the work regulation of the board of directors approved by virtue of the board of directors of the center Decision 5 dated 4 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445, corresponding to 19 September 2023, stipulating that the chief executive officer shall implement the decisions, directives, and recommendations issued by the board,  and in pursuance of the interest of work,

hereby decides


The Infrastructure Projects Code in Riyadh Region is hereby implemented and becomes effective after 180 days from the date of its publication in the official gazette and the website of the center.


All entities covered by the provisions of the code shall correct their status in accordance with it before the date of its entry into force.


The entities whose contracts were signed before the date of publication of the code shall submit a corrective plan to the center before the date of its entry into force.


The Infrastructure Projects Code must be published in the Official Gazette and on the website of the center in the form attached to this decision to implement and act upon it.

The Chief Executive Officer of the
Riyadh Infrastructure Projects Center
Engineer Fahad bin Suleiman Al-Badah

Issued on: 4 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 3 February 2025

You can view the Infrastructure Projects Code on the website of the official gazette.

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5068 issued on 7 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Finance: Decision 947 Amending Ministerial Decision 1007 Regarding the Implementation of the Provisions of the Executive Regulation for Zakat Collection


The Minister of Finance, based on the powers granted to him,

based on the Zakat Collection Law issued by Royal Decree 17/2/28/8634 dated 29 Jumada Al-Thani 1370 [7 April 1951] and its amendments,

based on Royal Decree D/40 dated 2 Rajab 1405 [23 March 1985] stipulating the full collection of zakat from all companies, establishments, and others subject to zakat, and Council of Ministers Decision 126 dated 1 Rabi Al-Awwal 1436 [23 December 2014] stipulating in clause Second the authorization of the Minister of Finance to issue the necessary decisions to implement the mentioned Royal Decree D/40,

and after perusal of the Working Rules of the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Committees issued by Royal Order 25711 dated 8 Rabi Al-Thani 1445 [23 October 2023], the Executive Regulation for Zakat Collection issued by Ministerial Decision 1007 dated 19 Sha’ban 1445 [29 February 2024], and clause Fourth of the same decision,

and in pursuance of public interest,

hereby decides


The period provided in clause Fourth(1)(d) of Ministerial Decision 1007 dated 19 Sha’ban 1445 [29 February 2024] stipulating the following: “The application must be submitted within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of publication of this decision,” is hereby amended as follows: “The application must be submitted within a period not exceeding the date of 30 April 2025.”


This decision must be communicated to those required to implement it and act on it, starting from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Finance
Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan

Issued on: 26 Rajab 1446
Corresponding to: 26 January 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5071 issued on 16 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority: Decision 1446-99-941 Implementing Phase Twenty of Linking Electronic Invoicing Systems


The Governor of the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority,

based on the powers granted to him by law,

after perusal of the Electronic Invoicing Regulation issued by the board of directors of the authority Decision 2-6-20 dated 4 Rabi Al-Thani 1442 [19 November 2020], based on article 6(a) of the aforementioned regulation,  and after perusal of Administrative Decision 19821 dated 15 Shawwal 1442 [27 May 2021], and its amendments, which stipulates the approval of the controls, requirements, technical specifications, and procedural rules necessary to implement the provisions of the Electronic Invoicing Regulation,

hereby decides


Taking into account the provisions of the commitment decisions to link the electronic invoicing systems previously issued by the authority, all persons subject to the electronic invoicing regulation whose annual revenues subject to value-added tax for the year 2022 or for the year 2023 exceed 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand) Riyals shall commit to linking their electronic invoicing systems, sending electronic invoices and notices, and sharing their data with the authority—the twentieth stage of linking electronic invoicing systems with the systems of the authority—as of 1 August 2025 and until 31 October 2025 at the latest.


The authority shall notify persons who meet the criteria stipulated in this decision using the means of communication approved by the authority within the specified time period.


This decision must be communicated to those required to implement it, and comes into force on the date of its publication in the official gazette.

May Allah provide success.

Suhail bin Mohammed Abanmi

Issued on: 21 Rajab 1446
Corresponding to: 21 January 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5068 issued on 7 February 2025.

Ministerial Decision

National Water Efficiency and Conservation Center: Decision 25164259 Approving the Regulation for Licensing Water Efficiency and Conservation Service Providers


The Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Water Efficiency and Conservation Center

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 4(7) of the System of the National Water Efficiency and Conservation Center issued by Council of Ministers Decision 336 dated 20 Jumada Al-Thani 1442 [2 February 2021],

and based on the board of directors of the center Decision 1/29/8/23 dated 13 Safar 1445 [29 August 2023], including the approval of the regulation for licensing water efficiency and conservation service providers,

and in pursuance of the interest of work,

hereby decides


The issuance of the Regulation for Licensing Water Efficiency and Conservation Service Providers is hereby approved in the form attached.


This decision comes into force after 365 days after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, and must be communicated to those concerned to implement and act upon it.

May Allah provide success.

The Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the National Center for Water Efficiency and Conservation
Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley

Issued on: 19 Rajab 1446
Corresponding to: 19 January 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5067 issued on 31 January 2025.