Latest Updates
- Council of Ministers: Decision 682 Governing the Publication of Laws in the Official Gazette
- Transport General Authority: Decision 155/46/1 Approving the Schedule of the Classification of Foreign Trucks Violations
- The Schedule of the Classification of Foreign Trucks Violations
- Council of Ministers: Decision 659 Approving the System of the Saudi Investment Promotion Authority
- The System of the Saudi Investment Promotion Authority
- Royal Decree D/195 Regarding the Practice of Activities Relating to Pharmacies and Establishments Selling Herbal Preparations
- The Executive Regulation for Monitoring and Compliance with Water Efficiency and Conservation Standards
- Public Prosecution: Decision 110 Regarding Major Crimes Requiring Arrest
- Council of Ministers: Decision 634 Regarding the Practice of Activities Relating to Pharmacies and Establishments Selling Herbal Preparations
- Council of Ministers: Decision 632 Amending the System of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation