Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 45415 Adopting the Controls of Inspection and Control Bodies on the Safety of Heavy Equipment


Based on Council of Ministers Decision 488 of 24 Sha’ban 1442 [7 April 2021], which includes the approval of the establishment of a center called the “Heavy Equipment Regulatory Center”, with reference to paragraph IV of the aforementioned organizational arrangements, which stipulates: “The center shall have a supervisory committee chaired by the Governor of the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization.”

with reference to paragraph 5 of the aforementioned organizational arrangements, which stipulates: “The Supervisory Committee shall supervise the center and follow up the implementation of its work in order to ensure the achievement of the objective of its establishment.”

with reference to the Supervisory Committee Meeting 5 held on 24 Ramadan 1445 [3 April 2024], Committee Decision 03/05/2024 regarding the Approval of the Controls for the Accreditation of Inspection and Control Bodies on the Safety of Heavy Equipment was issued in accordance with Document HEC-05-24-04-10.

May Allah provide success.

For more details and to peruse documents, please refer to the website of the authority

Issued on: 17/10/1445
Corresponding to: 26/4/2024

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5029 issued on 26 April 2024.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 132 Approving the Technical Regulation for the General Requirements for Machinery Safety


Based on Article 9 of the System of the Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 216 dated 17 Jumada Al-Thani 1431 [31 May 2010], which stipulates:

The board is the competent authority to manage the affairs of the authority and to conduct its business, and shall take all the necessary decisions to achieve its purposes within the limits of the provisions of this system. In particular, it may adopt the standard specifications in their final form and the methods of their application.

after perusal of the System of the Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 216 dated 17 Jumada Al-Thani 1431 [31 May 2010], and its subsequent amendments.

after perusal of the Board of Directors of the Authority decision 05/196/2023 at its meeting 196 dated 15 Jumada Al-Thani 1445 [28 December 2023], which includes “Approving the Technical Regulations.”

and based on Executive Decision 132 dated 25 Rajab 1445 [5 February 2024] regarding the approval of the “Technical Regulation of the General Requirements of Machinery Safety” in accordance with Document MM 196-23-04-02-01.

May Allah provide success.

Issued on: 25/7/1445
Corresponding to: 6/2/2024

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5026 issued on 29 March 2024.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 112 Adopting the Regulation for Issuing International Recognition Certificates According to the Conformity Assesment Systems of the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC)

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 13/6/1445
Corresponding to: 26/12/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5021 issued on 23 February 2024.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision Approving the Conditions for Importing Heavy Equipment, the Controls for Training Entities, and the Rules for the Qualification and Licensing of Their Operators



Based on Council of Ministers Decision 488 dated 24 Sha’ban 1442 [7 April 2021], which includes the approval of the establishment of a center called the “Heavy Equipment Regulatory Center”, with reference to paragraph 4 of the aforementioned organizational arrangements, which stipulates: “The center shall have a supervisory committee chaired by the Governor of the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization.”

with reference to paragraph 5 of the aforementioned organizational arrangemnets, which stipulates: “The Supervisory Committee shall supervise the center and follow up the implementation of its work in order to ensure the achievement of the objective of its establishment.”with reference to the meeting of the Supervisory Committee 4 held on 25 Rabi Al-Thani 1445 [9 November 2023], the Committee issued the following decisions:  First  Decision 02/04/2023: The Conditions for Importing Heavy Equipment in accordance with Document LMT-04-23-04-02 are hereby adopted.


Decision 04/04/2023: The Controls for Training Entities for Heavy Equipment Operators are hereby adopted in accordance with Document LMT-04-23-04-05.


Decision 06/04/2023: The Necessary Rules for the Qualification and Licensing of Heavy Equipment Operators are hereby adopted in accordance with Document LMT-04-23-04-07.

Issued on: 25/4/1445
Corresponding to: 9/11/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5026 issued on 29 March 2024.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 2023/194/05 Approving the Unification of the Financial Consideration for the Costs of Subscribing to the Technical Proficiency Tests Service


The Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Decision 05/194/2023 dated 13 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445

Based on article 9(4) of the System of the Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 216 dated 17 Jumada Al-Thani 1431 [31 May 2010], which stipulates that: “The Council is the competent authority to manage the affairs of the organization and to conduct its business. It shall take all necessary decisions to achieve its purposes within the limits of the provisions of this system, in particular, it must adopt the saudi standards in their final form and the methods of their application.”

and after perusal of Decision 05/194/2023 of the board of directors of the organization dated 13 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445 [28 September 2023], in its Meeting 194 containing the Approval of Unifying the Financial Consideration for the Costs of Subscribing to the Technical Competency Tests Service, in accordance with the following:

Financial Consideration:

New Financial Consideration


Financial Consideration

All Fields of Technical Proficiency Tests

1700 Riyals

Previous Financial Consideration


Financial Consideration

1700 Riyals

Reinforcement Steel

1900 Riyals

1900 Riyals

Purpose of the Update:

– Expanding the fields of technical proficiency tests, and unifying the financial consideration for them, instead of three fields and a financial consideration for each field.

– Supporting the national industry and raising the efficiency of laboratories.

May Allah provide success

For more details, please refer to the website of the organization

Issued on: 13/3/1445
Corresponding to: 28/9/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5008 issued on 24 November 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 194 The Technical Regulation Approved in the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization Number 194 Held on 13/3/1445

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 13/3/1445
Corresponding to: 28/9/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5007 issued on 17 November 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 02-07/186/2022 The Technical Regulations Adopted in Meeting 186 of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Held on 1 Dhu Al-Hijja 1442

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 1/12/1444
Corresponding to: 19/6/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4949 issued on 23 September 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 2/2/42/23 Adopting Amendment to 4 Saudi Technical Regulations

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 5/9/1444
Corresponding to: 27/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4985 issued on 9 June 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 03/42/2023 Adopting 60 Saudi Standard Specifications

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 5/9/1444
Corresponding to: 27/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4980 issued on 5 May 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 126 Adopting Saudi Standard Specifications Update 7

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 1/9/1444
Corresponding to: 23/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4976 issued on 31 March 2023.