The Council of Ministers, after perusal of Royal Court File 5491 dated 23 Muharram 1445 [10 August 2023], which includes the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Letter 4400835013 dated 19 Muharram 1445 [6 August 2023] regarding the request of the ministry to amend paragraph (a) of article 11 of the Basic Statute of Jeddah Development and Urban Regeneration Company,
after perusal of the Basic Statute of Jeddah Development and Urban Regeneration Company approved by Royal Decree D/65 dated 23 Shawwal 1427 [15 November 2006],
after perusal of Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandums 1318 dated 16 Rabi Al-Thani 1445 [31 October 2023] and 2610 dated 19 Rajab 1445 [30 January 2024],
after perusal of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Minutes 1396/45/M dated 5 Sha’ban 1445 [15 February 2024],
and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 9635 dated 9 Ramadan 1445 [19 March 2024],
hereby decides
Article 11(a) of the Basic Statute of Jeddah Development and Urban Regeneration Company, approved by Royal Decree D/65 dated 23 Shawwal 1427 [15 November 2006], is hereby amended as follows:
The company must be managed by a board of directors consisting of twelve members named every three years, as follows:
1. The Mayor of Jeddah Governorate as Chairman.
2. A member nominated from the Emirate of Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region
3. A member nominated from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing.
4. A member nominated from the Ministry of Finance.
5. A member nominated from the Ministry of Media.
6. A member nominated from the Ministry of Commerce.
7. A member nominated from Jeddah Development Authority.
8. Five members representing the private sector named by the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing.
The Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing shall determine the remuneration of the private sector representatives.
The Prime Minister
Issued on: 21 Shawwal 1445
Corresponding to: 30 April 2024
Published in Umm Al-Qura 5031 issued on 10 May 2024.