Laws and Regulations

The Rules for Backup Sources of Electric Power

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Finance: Decision 986 Amending Paragraph 3 of Article 29 of the Executive Regulation of the Unified Customs Law of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf


The Minister of Finance,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 178 of the Unified Customs Law of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and clause Second of Council of Ministers Decision 241 dated 26 Shawwal 1423 [31 December 2002], which stipulates that the Minister of Finance (and National Economy) shall issue the executive regulations of the Law,

and after perusal of the decision of the Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee in its meeting 114 held on 7 November 2021, and Ministerial Decision 2748 of 25 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1423 [28 January 2003] approving the Executive Regulation of the Unified Customs Law of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf,

hereby decides

1. Article 29(3) of the Executive Regulation of the Unified Customs Law of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf is hereby amended to read as follows:

The use of materials covered by the exemption or by a reduced customs tariff in accordance with the provisions of the law and the relevant legislation issued within the framework of the councilfor purposes or objectives outside those for which it was imported, exchanged, sold, or disposed of without the approval of the customs administration and the payment of customs taxes (duties) that have arisen in its regard.

2. This decision must be published in the official gazette and comes into force on the date of its publication, and must be communicated to those required to implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan
Minister of Finance

Issued on: 16/8/1444
Corresponding to: 8/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4976 issued on 31 March 2023.

Council of Ministers Decision

Council of Ministers: Decision 563 Approving the Service Suspension Controls


The Council of Ministers,

after perusal of the Royal Court File 70766 dated 12 Dhu Al-Hijja 1440 [14 August 2019], which includes the Minister of Commerce Telegram 93204 dated 27 Dhu Al-Qu’dah 1440 [30 July 2019], regarding the draft Service Suspension Controls.

after perusal of the aforementioned draft controls,

after perusal of Royal Order 28563 dated 24 Jumada Al-Awwal 1440 [31 January 2019],

after perusal of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Minutes 1133 dated 21 Sha’ban 1441 [15 April 2020] and Memorandums 1178 dated 22 Dhu Al-Hijja 1441 [12 August 2020], 413 dated 11 Rabi Al-Awwal 1442 [28 October 2020], 738 dated 12 Jumada Al-Awwal 1442 [27 December 2020], 1112 dated 5 Rajab 1442 [17 February 2021], 181 dated 21 Muharram 1443 [30 August 2021], 789 dated 6 Rabi Al-Thani 1443 [12 November 2021], 1946 dated 25 Sha’ban 1443 [29 March 2022], and 2183 dated 17 Rajab 1444 [8 February 2023],

after perusal of Council of Economic and Development Affairs Recommendation 2-42/43/I dated 6 Ramadan 1443 [8 April 2022],

after perusal of Secretariat of the Council of Political and Security Affairs Telegram 12983 dated 28 Jumada Al-Thani 1444 [21 January 2023],

and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 8445 dated 10 Sha’ban 1444 [3 March 2023],

hereby decides


The Service Suspension Controls are hereby approved in the form attached.


All government entities tasked with implementing the controls—referred to in clause First of this decision, or some of them—complete their work stipulated in the controls within a period not exceeding 180 days from the date of this decision.


All government entities tasked with implementing the controls—referred to in clause First of this decision, or some of them—process requests to suspend existing services in accordance with these controls within a period not exceeding 180 days from the date of this decision.


The supervisory committee—formed based on paragraph 2 of clause Fifth of the controls referred to in clause First of this decision—must coordinate with the regulatory and supervisory authorities, such as the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, the Capital Market Authority, and the Communications, Space and Technology Commission, whose regulations stipulate their authority to suspend some of the technical services it provides to the entities subject to its supervision, to determine the mechanism for suspending those services, and to set the necessary controls to be observed to ensure that the activities of entities and their main work, including human resources, accounts, and banking and financial transactions, are not affected.

The Prime Minister

Issued on: 15/8/1444
Corresponding to: 7/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4974 issued on 17 March 2023.

Laws and Regulations

The Service Suspension Controls

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Council of Ministers Decision

Council of Ministers: Decision 562 Approving the Extension of the Corrective Grace Period Granted to Owners of Neglected or Damaged Vehicles


The Council of Ministers,

after perusal of Royal Court File 43932 dated 24 Jumada Al-Thani 1444 [17 January 2023], which includes the Minister of Interior Telegram 171085 dated 22 Jumada Al-Thani 1444 [15 January 2023], regarding the request of the ministry to extend the period referred to in clause Third of Council of Ministers Decision 99 dated 7 Safar 1443 [15 September 2021],

after perusal of Council of Ministers Decision 99 dated 7 Safar 1443 [15 September 2021],

after perusal of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandum 2300 dated 28 Rajab 1444 [19 February 2023],

after perusal of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Minutes 994/44/M dated 3 Sha’ban 1444 [24 February 2023],

and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 8461 dated 10 Sha’ban 1444 [3 March 2023],

hereby decides

The extension of the corrective grace period granted to owners of neglected or damaged vehicles who desire to forfeit these vehicles from their records stipulated in clause Third of Council of Ministers Decision 99 dated 7 Safar 1443 [15 September 2021] is hereby approved for an additional year starting from 1 March 2023

The Prime Minister

Issued on: 15/8/1444
Corresponding to: 7/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4974 issued on 17 March 2023.

Council of Ministers Decision

Council of Ministers: Decision 561 Amending Article Four of the Organizational Arragements of the Strategic Office for the Development of the Northern Borders Region


The Council of Ministers,

after perusal of Royal Court File 55354 dated 14 Sha’ban 1444 [7 March 2023], regarding Amending the Organizational Arrangements of the Strategic Office for the Development of the Northern Borders Region,

after perusal of the Organizational Arrangements of the Strategic Office for the Development of the Northern Borders Region issued by Council of Ministers Decision 442 dated 24 Jumada Al-Thani 1444 [17 January 2023],

after perusal of Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandum 2448 dated 14 Sha’ban 1444 [7 March 2023],

and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 8552 dated 14 Sha’ban 1444 [7 March 2023],

hereby decides

Article 4 of the Organizational Arrangements of the Strategic Office for the Development of the Northern Borders Region issued by Council of Ministers Decision 442 dated 24 Jumada Al-Thani 1444 [17 January 2023] is hereby amended, by replacing the phrase “Prince of the Northern Borders Region” with the phrase “Deputy Prince of the Northern Borders Region” mentioned in the opening of the article.

The Prime Minister

Issued on: 15/8/1444
Corresponding to: 7/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4974 issued on 17 March 2023.

Council of Ministers Decision

Council of Ministers: Decision 558 Approving the Accession of the Kingdom to the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication


The Council of Ministers,

after perusal of the Royal Court File 46417 dated 6 Rajab 1444 [28 January 2023], which includes the Minister of State, the Member of the Council of Ministers, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property Telegram 2382 dated 9 Rajab 1443 [11 February 2022], regarding the request of the authority to join the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to the ‘Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms’.

after perusal of the aforementioned agreement,

after perusal of the Copyright Protection Law issued by Royal Decree D/41 dated 2 Rajab 1424 [30 August 2003],

after perusal of the System of the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property issued by Council of Ministers Decision 496 of 14 Ramadan 1439 [29 May 2018],

after perusal of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandum 2333 dated 17 Shawwal 1443 [19 May 2022], and Memorandum 1266 dated 22 Rabi Al-Thani 1444 [17 November 2022],

after perusal of Council of Economic and Development Affairs Recommendation 8-18/44/18/I dated 7 Jumada Al-Awwal 1444 [1 December 2022], considering Shura Council Decision 118/17 dated 1 Rajab 1444 [23 January 2023],

and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 7567 dated 20 Rajab 1444 [11 February 2023],

hereby decides


The Accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms is hereby approved.

A draft royal decree has been prepared in the form attached.

The Prime Minister

Issued on: 15/8/1444
Corresponding to: 7/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4975 issued on 24 March 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce: Decision 339 Approving the Repeal of Item 13 Titled “Financial Status Information of the Franchisor”


The Minister of Commerce,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 26 of the Commercial Franchise Law issued by Royal Decree D/22 dated 9 Safar 1441,

and after perusal of Ministerial Decision 00591 of 18 Ramadan 1441 Approving the Executive Regulation of the Commercial Franchise Law,

hereby decides

First: The repeal of item 13 titled “Financial Status Information of the Franchisor” of the Disclosure Document Requirements annexed to the Executive Regulation of the Commercial Franchise Law is hereby approved, and the items of the Disclosure Document Requirements are hereby renumbered in accordance with this.

Second: This decision must be published in the official gazette, and comes into force on the date of its publication.

Minister of Commerce
Dr Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi

Issued on: 14/8/1444
Corresponding to: 6/3/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4973 issued on 10 March 2023.

Laws and Regulations

Annex on the Requirements of the Disclosure Document

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Laws and Regulations

Adopting the Update of the General Technical Regulation of the Quality Mark

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