Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 512 Approving the Executive Regulation of the Methods of Objecting to Judgments


The Minister of Justice,

Based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 240 of the Sharia Proceedings Law issued by Royal Decree D/1 dated 22 Muharram 1435, after perusal of part 11 of the Executive Regulations of the Sharia Proceedings Law “Methods of Objecting to Judgments”,

the Executive Regulation of the Appellate Procedures issued by Ministerial Decision 5134 dated 21 Ramadan 1440,

the studies and reports prepared regarding the regulation,

and after coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council,

and in pursuance of the interest of work,

hereby decides

First: The Executive Regulation of the Methods of Objecting to Judgements is hereby approved in the form attached.

Second: This decision must be communicated to those who are required to adopt and implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice
Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 5/1/1445
Corresponding to: 23/7/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4993 issued on 11 August 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 3411 Approving the “Medical Reports Regulation” Stipulated for in the Personal Status Law


The Minister of Justice,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law, based on clause 3 of Royal Decree D/73 of 6 Sha’ban 1443 [10 March 2022], which stipulates that: “The Minister of Justice—in agreement with the Minister of Health—shall issue a Medical Reports Regulation stipulated in the Personal Status Law“, after perusal of the minutes prepared regarding the draft regulation, after agreement with the Minister of Health, and in coordination with the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, and in pursuance of the interest of work,

hereby decides


The Medical Reports Regulation stipulated in the Personal Status Law is hereby approved in the form attached to this decision.


The procedures for electronic linking between the Ministries of Justice and Health to implement the procedures of the regulation must be completed within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of publication of this decision.


The regulation must be published in the official gazette, and comes into force after the lapse of 180 days from the date of its publication.


This decision must be communicated to those who are required to adopt and implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice
Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 16/11/1444
Corresponding to: 5/6/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4987 issued on 23 June 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 1417 Approving the Rules on Limiting Conflicts of Interest for Those Who Have Previously Worked in the Judiciary When Practising the Legal Profession


The Minister of Justice,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,   based on article 42 of the Law of Advocacy, issued by Royal Decree D/38 of 28 Rajab 1422 [16 October 2001], which stipulates: “The Minister of Justice shall issue the executive regulation of this law, it must be published in the official gazette, and he shall issue the necessary decisions for its implementation.”

after perusal of Ministerial Decision 4649 dated 8 Jumada Al-Thani 1423 [17 August 2002], which includes the approval of the Executive Regulation of the Law of Advocacy,

and after perusal on the President of the Royal Court Decision 68524 dated 26 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1442 [6 July 2021], and where coordination was made with the Control and Anti-Corruption Authority and the Saudi Bar Association on the subject,   and as required by the interest of work.

hereby decides


The Rules on Limiting Conflicts of Interest for Those Who Have Previously Worked in the Judiciary—and those of equivalent status—When Practising the Legal Profession, is hereby approved in the form attached to this decision.


The aforementioned rules must be published in the official gazette, and come into force from the date of its publication.


This decision must be communicated to those who are required to adopt it and implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice
 Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 19/4/1444
Corresponding to: 13/11/2022

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4957 issued on 18 November 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 921 Approving the Controls on Electronic Evidence Procedures, the Rules for Governing Expert Affairs before the Courts, and the Procedural Guides


The Minister of Justice,

Based on the powers entrusted to him by law, after perusal of article 126 of the Evidence Law issued by Royal Decree D/43 of 26 Jumada Al-Awwal 1443, the studies prepared in this regard, and after coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council, and as required by the interest of work.

hereby decides


The Controls on the Electronic Evidence Procedures are hereby approved in the form attached.


The Rules for Governing Expert Affairs before the Courts are hereby approved in the form attached.


The Procedural Guides as well as the decisions necessary for the implementation of the Evidence Law are hereby approved in the form attached.


The aforementioned controls, rules, and procedural guides must be published in the official gazette, and come into force from the date the law enters into force.


This decision must be communicated to those who are required to adopt and implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 16/3/1444
Corresponding to: 12/10/2022

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4954 issued on 28 October 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 186 Approving the Executive Regulation Governing the Licensing of Foreign Law Firms


The Minister of Justice,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law, after perusal of article 42 of the Law of Advocacy issued by Royal Decree D/38 of 28 Rajab 1422 [16 October 2001], after perusal of clause 2(1) and clause 4(1) of Council of Ministers Decision 386 dated 14 Rajab 1443 [16 February 2022], after coordination with the relevant authorities, and perusal of the studies prepared in this regard, and in pursuance of public interest,

hereby decides


The Executive Regulation Governing the Licensing of Foreign Law Firms is hereby approved in the form attached.


The corrective period for lawyers associated with foreign offices with cooperation agreements or the like is hereby extended, for an additional period of nine months.


Article 10(5) of the Executive Regulation of the Lawyers Law issued by Ministerial Decision 1517 dated 5 Jumada Al-Awwal 1439 [1 February 2018] is hereby repealed.


This decision must be published in the official gazette, and comes into force on the date of its publication.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice
Waleed bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 25/1/1444
Corresponding to: 23/8/2022

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4949 issued on 23 September 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 2403 Approving the Rules for Enforcement, Filing, and Hearing of Disciplinary Actions

Arabic Auto Translate

Issued on: 6 Ramadan 1443
Corresponding to: 7 April 2022

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4931 issued on 22 April 2022.