Ministerial Decision

Public Prosecution: Decision 110 Regarding Major Crimes Requiring Arrest


The Attorney General,

Based on the powers granted to him under article 112 of the Criminal Procedures Law amended by Royal Decree D/125 dated 14 Ramadan 1441 [7 May 2020], which states: “The Attorney General shall determine—after agreement with the Ministry of Interior and the Presidency of State Security—matters considered a major crime requiring arrest, and this must be published in the official gazette”,

further to our Decision 1 dated 1 Muharram 1442 [20 August 2020],

and after agreement with the Ministry of Interior and the Presidency of State Security,

hereby decides:


A paragraph numbered 26 is added to First of our Decision 1 dated 1 Muharram 1442 [20 August 2020] to have the following text:

All criminal descriptions related to methamphetamine (shabu) are considered major crimes requiring arrest.


This decision must be published in the official gazette.


This decision enters into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

May Allah provide success.

Attorney General
Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mujib

Issued on: 1 Ramadan 1446
Corresponding to: 1 March 2025

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5075 issued on 14 March 2025.