The Council of Ministers,
after perusal of Royal Court File 56299 dated 4 Sha’ban 1446 [3 February 2025], which includes the Transport General Authority Letter 60 dated 10 Muharram 1441 [9 September 2019] regarding the draft Law of Carriage by Land on Roads, and the Minister of Transport and Logistics Services, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Transport General Authority, Letter 2458 dated 1 Jumada Al-Thani 1446 [2 December 2024] regarding the phenomenon of foreign trucks practicing domestic transport in an illegal manner,
after perusal of the mentioned draft law,
after perusal of the Concession Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) approved by Royal Decree D/38 dated 6 Rabi Al-Thani 1439 [24 December 2017],
after perusal of the System of the Transport General Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 323 dated 14 Ramadan 1434 [22 July 2013],
after perusal of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Minutes 30 dated 20 Muharram 1444 [18 August 2022], Memorandum 3303 dated 8 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1444 [28 May 2023], Memorandum 319 dated 28 Muharram 1445 [15 August 2023], Memorandum 2161 dated 15 Jumada Al-Thani 1445 [28 December 2023], Memorandum 4009 dated 21 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1445 [29 May 2024], Memorandum 140 dated 8 Muharram 1446 [14 July 2024], Memorandum 2189 dated 18 Jumada Al-Thani 1446 [19 December 2024], and Memorandum 2461 dated 9 Rajab 1446 [9 January 2025],
after perusal of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Recommendation 16-1/46/R dated 26 Muharram 1446 [1 August 2024],
after considering Shura Council Decision 69/8 dated 9 Rabi Al-Thani 1445 [24 October 2023], 110/11 dated 1 Jumada Al-Thani 1446 [2 December 2024], and 183/18 dated 28 Rajab 1446 [28 January 2025],
and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 8350 dated 17 Sha’ban 1446 [16 February 2025],
hereby decides
The Law of Carriage by Land on Roads is hereby approved in the form attached.
The entry into force of the law—referred to in clause First of this decree—must not prejudice the Concession Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) approved by Royal Decree D/38 dated 6 Rabi Al-Thani 1439 [24 December 2017] regarding the right granted to the company to transport hydrocarbon materials.
Carriage by land on roads establishments shall adjust their status within a period not exceeding one year from the date of entry into force of the law—referred to in clause First of this decision—in conformity with it, according to the mechanism set by the Transport General Authority. The chairman of the board of directors of the authority may extend this period—as he sees fit in this regard —for a period not exceeding an additional six months.
The Transport General Authority shall carry out the following:
1․ Review its system—issued by Council of Ministers Decision 323 dated 14 Ramadan 1434 [22 July 2013]—in light of the provisions contained in the law referred to in clause First of this decision, propose the necessary matters in this regard, and report to complete the legal procedures.
2․ Coordinate with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Interior—each according to its mandate—regarding educational transport, which falls under the activities of scheduled transport; with the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, the Ministry of Interior, the Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites, and the Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Region Development Authority—each according to its mandate—regarding the transport of Hajj pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, which falls under the activities of scheduled and non-scheduled transport; with the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources regarding the transport of goods related to the industrial and mining sector; and with the Ministry of Energy regarding the transport of energy products. This must be done when preparing the executive regulations of the law—referred to in clause First of this decision—relevant to these matters.
3․ Coordinate with the General Authority of Civil Aviation and any other entities it sees fit related to the activities of air transport, maritime transport, railway transport, and carriage by land, to prepare memoranda of understanding to govern the aspects related to licensing the activity of brokerage in multimodal transport of goods subject to the legal supervision of those entities, in accordance with the provisions of the law referred to in clause First of this decision, its executive regulations, and the relevant legal provisions, and to determine the role of each of them in this regard taking into account the integration of their roles provided that the preparation of those memoranda is completed and signed before the law comes into force.
The Board of Directors of the Transport General Authority shall exercise its powers stipulated in article 17 of the law—referred to in clause First of this decision—in agreement with the Ministry of Finance and the Non-Oil Revenue Development Center, until the issuance of the draft Regulation for the Practice by Public Authorities and Establishments and Their Equivalent of Imposing a Fee for the Services and Works They Provide and its entry into force.
The relevant entities shall, when preparing studies and detailed plans related to activities of carriage by land on roads, coordinate with the Transport General Authority.
The Chairman of the Transport General Authority shall issue the schedule stipulated in article 23(1) of the law referred to in clause First of this decision, within a period not exceeding 180 days from the date of publication of the law.
The Board of Directors of the Transport General Authority shall determine the transportation fares for any activities of railway transport it deems appropriate, and any activities of maritime transport it deems appropriate, based on the policies—set by it in this regard—that must explain the pricing principles, without prejudice to the international obligations of the Kingdom.
The Transport General Authority shall coordinate with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics Services, the General Authority of Civil Aviation, and the Roads General Authority to make the necessary arrangements for security and supervisory support to implement the provisions related to policing violations of carriage by land on roads without a license, stipulated in the law referred to in clause First of this decision.
As an exception to the provisions of article 34 of the law—referred to in clause First of this decision—foreign trucks proven to be transporting within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must be issued violation tickets and punished in accordance with the provisions of the law—referred to in clause First of this decision— from the date of its publication, provided that the Chairman of the Transport General Authority completes the necessary procedures to implement the provisions of this clause simultaneously with the date of publication of the law referred to in clause First of this decision.
A draft royal decree has been prepared for clauses First, Second, Third, Eighth, and Tenth of this decision in the form attached.
The Prime Minister
Issued on: 19 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 18 February 2025
Published in Umm Al-Qura 5073 issued on 28 February 2025.