Ministerial Decision

Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers: Decision 525 Approving the Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities


The Chief Executive Officer of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers,

after perusal of article 28(16) of the Law of Accredited Valuers issued by Royal Decree D/43 dated 9 Rajab 1433 [11 February 2022], which includes the authorization of the board of directors of the authority to issue decisions and rules relating to the profession,

and after perusal of article 8(11) of the Powers of the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers Regulation issued by the board of directors of the authority decision 3/B/23 dated 6 Muharram 1445 [24 July 2023], which includes the authorizaton of the chief executive officer of the authority to issue decisions and rules relating to the profession,

hereby decides


The Rules Governing the Provision of Real Estate Valuation Services to Financing Entities are hereby approved.


The rules must be published in the official gazette, and come into force from 1 November 2024. They repeal any decisions in conflict with them.

Engineer Faisal bin Bader Al-Mandeel
Chief Executive Officer

Issued on: 15 Muharram 1446
Corresponding to: 21 July 2024

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5041 issued on 2 August 2024.