Ministerial Decision

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization: Decision 2023/194/05 Approving the Unification of the Financial Consideration for the Costs of Subscribing to the Technical Proficiency Tests Service



The Board of Directors of the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Decision 05/194/2023 dated 13 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445

Based on article 9(4) of the System of the Authority issued by Council of Ministers Decision 216 dated 17 Jumada Al-Thani 1431 [31 May 2010], which stipulates that: “The Council is the competent authority to manage the affairs of the organization and to conduct its business. It shall take all necessary decisions to achieve its purposes within the limits of the provisions of this system, in particular, it must adopt the saudi standards in their final form and the methods of their application.”

and after perusal of Decision 05/194/2023 of the board of directors of the organization dated 13 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445 [28 September 2023], in its Meeting 194 containing the Approval of Unifying the Financial Consideration for the Costs of Subscribing to the Technical Competency Tests Service, in accordance with the following:

Financial Consideration:

New Financial Consideration


Financial Consideration

All Fields of Technical Proficiency Tests

1700 Riyals

Previous Financial Consideration


Financial Consideration

1700 Riyals

Reinforcement Steel

1900 Riyals

1900 Riyals

Purpose of the Update:

– Expanding the fields of technical proficiency tests, and unifying the financial consideration for them, instead of three fields and a financial consideration for each field.

– Supporting the national industry and raising the efficiency of laboratories.

May Allah provide success

For more details, please refer to the website of the organization

Issued on: 13/3/1445
Corresponding to: 28/9/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5008 issued on 24 November 2023.