The Council of Ministers,
after perusal of Royal Court File 82430 dated 28 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1444 [17 June 2023], which includes the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority Telegram 10442 dated 23 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1444 [12 June 2023], regarding the request of the authority for approval to establish the International Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Ethics,
after perusal of Council of Ministers Decision 470 dated 19 Sha’ban 1443 [23 March 2022],
after perusal of Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandums 3826 dated 15 Dhu Al-Hijja 1444 [4 July 2023], and 11 dated 1 Muharram 1445 [19 July 2023],
after perusal of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Minutes 1769/44/M dated 22 Dhu Al-Hijja 1444 [11 July 2023],
and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 145 dated 4 Muharram 1445 [22 July 2023],
hereby decides
A center named the “International Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Ethics” is hereby established with its headquarter in the city of Riyadh, and it enjoys legal personality and financial and administrative independence.
The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority shall carry out the following:
1. Completing discussions with UNESCO regarding granting the center—stipulated in clause First of this decision—the status of an international center (Category 2) operating under the auspices of UNESCO, and reporting matters requiring action in this regard.
2. Preparing the documents necessary for the operation of the center—stipulated in clause First of this decision—and reporting its findings, to complete the regulatory procedures in their regard.
That the establishment of the center—referred to in clause First of this decision—does not result in any additional financial burdens on the general budget of the state, and must be within the limits of the budget ceilings set for the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority.
The Prime Minister
Issued on: 7/1/1445
Corresponding to: 25/7/2023
Published in Umm Al-Qura 4992 issued on 4 August 2023.