Ministerial Decision

Administrative Judicial Council: Decision 16/1444/12 Determining the Implementation Date of the Enforcement System before the Board of Grievances



1. The date of entry into force of the Enforcement Law before the Board of Grievances is hereby determined to be as of 4 Safar 1445.

2. The priority of registering enforcement applications must be within the first ninety days from the entry into force of the law for bonds older than five years from the date of the judgment obtaining a final status or the date of the right arising contained in other enforcement bonds.

3. Enforcement applications for the benefit of administrative entities should be submitted through direct linking and electronic integration with the Administrative Enforcement Platform and joint government platforms, or through linking with other government platforms in matters not covered by the joint platforms. Any application submitted without linking to an electronic platform must not be accepted.

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4991 issued on 28 July 2023.