The Council of Ministers,
after perusal of Royal Court File 20460 dated 20 Rabi Al-Awwal 1445 [5 October 2023], which includes the Minister of Commerce and the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Public Administration, Telegram 21697 dated 14 Sha’ban 1443 [17 March 2022] regarding the proposal to transfer all mandates related to the issuance of licenses for the management consulting profession from the Ministry of Commerce,
after perusal of the Law of the Ministry of Commerce issued by Council of Ministers Decision 66 dated 6 Rabi Al-Thani 1374 [2 December 1954],
after perusal of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers Memorandum 2886 dated 26 Dhu Al-Hijja 1443 [25 July 2022], Memorandum 3301 dated 8 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1444 [28 May 2023], Memorandum 54 dated 3 Muharram 1446 [9 July 2024], and Memorandum 580 dated 15 Safar 1446 [19 August 2024],
after perusal of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Minutes 1813/45/M dated 28 Ramadan 1445 [7 April 2024],
and after perusal of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers Recommendation 2488 dated 9 Rabi Al-Awwal 1446 [12 September 2024],
hereby decides
The mandate for licensing the practice of the administrative consulting profession for individuals is hereby transferred from the Ministry of Commerce to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, so that it becomes part of the documentation for freelance work.
The Ministry of Commerce shall continue to exercise the mandate of issuing management consulting licenses for individuals for a period of six months from the date of issuance of this decision.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development shall review lowering the special requirements for obtaining a license to practice the management consulting profession for individuals in a manner that achieves the general directive for that, and shall take into account the observations of the members of the strategic committee that are outlined in annex 4 attached to the Secretariat of the Strategic Committee at the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Letter 641 dated 21 Ramadan 1445 [31 March 2024].
The Prime Minister
Issued on: 5 Rabi Al-Thani 1446
Corresponding to: 9 October 2024
Published in Umm Al-Qura 5052 issued on 18 October 2024.