Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing: Decision 1/4500796124 Approving the Standards for the Fees for Promotional and Advertising Banners



Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing,

based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on the Law of Municipalities and Rural Areas issued by Royal Decree D/5 dated 21 Safar 1397 [11 February 1977],

based on Council of Ministers Decision 31 dated 11 Muharram 1444 [9 August 2022], approved in paragraph 3, which states “the competent minister—their equivalent—shall set the criteria for determining the amount of each fee according to the type of painting, its location, the technology used, the duration of the licence, and other criteria. He may also determine the basis for calculating the fee on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis, based on what he estimates in this regard, provided that it does not exceed the maximum limit set annually, in agreement with the Non-Oil Revenues Development Center.”

after perusal of Ministerial Decision 59264 dated 28 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1437 [1 September 2016], approving the Determination of the Criteria for Fees for Advertising Billboards and Signboards,   and after agreement with the Non-Oil Revenues Development Center,

hereby decides


The Standards for the Fees for Promotional and Advertising Banners are hereby approved in the form attached.


These standards replace the standards for determining the fees for advertising billboards and signboards issued by Ministerial Decision 59264 dated 28 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1437 [1 September 2016].


The fees mentioned in Ministerial Decision 59264 dated 28 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1437 [1 September 2016] continue to apply to investment contracts entered between the Amanah/Municipality and investors before the entry into force of these standards, until the end of those contracts.


These standards must be published in the official gazette and comes into force forty-five days after the date of publication.


This decision must be communicated to those who are required to implement it, and it must be published on the website of the ministry.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing
Majid bin Abdullah Al-Huqail

Issued on: 26 Shawwal 1445
Corresponding to: 5 May 2024

Published in Umm Al-Qura 5039 issued on 19 July 2024.