Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice: Decision 512 Approving the Executive Regulation of the Methods of Objecting to Judgments



The Minister of Justice,

Based on the powers entrusted to him by law,

based on article 240 of the Sharia Proceedings Law issued by Royal Decree D/1 dated 22 Muharram 1435, after perusal of part 11 of the Executive Regulations of the Sharia Proceedings Law “Methods of Objecting to Judgments”,

the Executive Regulation of the Appellate Procedures issued by Ministerial Decision 5134 dated 21 Ramadan 1440,

the studies and reports prepared regarding the regulation,

and after coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council,

and in pursuance of the interest of work,

hereby decides

First: The Executive Regulation of the Methods of Objecting to Judgements is hereby approved in the form attached.

Second: This decision must be communicated to those who are required to adopt and implement it.

May Allah provide success.

Minister of Justice
Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samaani

Issued on: 5/1/1445
Corresponding to: 23/7/2023

Published in Umm Al-Qura 4993 issued on 11 August 2023.